Product Journey - Organic Cotton Collection

Type Knitted Organic Cotton Items
Given Names Ollie
Date Of Birth 01-10-23
Place Of Birth Izmir
Passport NR.315wqb6
-P-KNITTED--KOTTON------------------- 12132143261542753569468058-------------------
Choose kids wear that aligns with your values. Make a positive impact by supporting our commitment to ethical and transparent production.
We prioritize the well-being of kids by keeping our circular wear free from nasty, toxic chemicals and pesticides.
Driven by a Circular By Design philosophy, we make thoughtful decisions at every stage of the value cycle. We still have a lot to learn and improve, but our core promise stands firm: design circular kids wear with renewable, safe and/or recycled materials, made with optimal use of resources, made to be made again.
Rent over buy to support our planet, ensure a perfect fit as your kid grows, save money, and declutter your space.
Design is where we lay the groundwork for a circular approach. Together with our partners in our supply chain, we focus on using organic materials and making designs that are not just cute but also durable, repairable, and recyclable. The illustrations for our prints are created by Cindy Timmer Illustrations and feature delicious fruits and vegetables like figs or olives. This is our way of celebrating our partners in Turkey who make our circular vision a reality. With this design-first strategy, we aim to tackle waste and pollution at their root, striving for a better future for our kids.
Our organic cotton is sourced from the Aydin region in Turkey, specifically from the town of Söke. This Aegean organic cotton is known for its exceptional quality. Dedicated farmers, Adem Bilir and Ali Bilir, look after our precious crops. While Adem oversees the majority of our products, the cotton used for our yarn dyed and solid colour fabrics, such as striped leggings, sweatpants, and sweatshirts, is diligently cultivated by Ali Bilir. Both farmers ensure every cotton boll grows following strict organic farming guidelines, ensuring no synthetic chemicals touch them. A study by the Textile Exchange in 2021 showed that such mindful farming emits 18% fewer greenhouse gases than conventional methods. Natural fertilizers like compost and manure are their primary solutions for enriching the soil. They also practice yearly crop rotation, which not only keeps unwanted pests away but also revitalizes the land. This thoughtful approach to cultivation ensures our fabrics are not just soft and durable but also kind to our planet.
From the moment the cotton seeds are planted, it takes about 5-6 months for the plants to grow, reaching heights of around 1.2 metres. A few weeks after the seeds are sown, flower bulbs appear and later bloom. After pollination, these flowers give way to seed pods that mature into fluffy cotton bolls. As mid-August through November approaches, our organic cotton is ready for harvest, with the timing depending on that year's weather conditions. Unlike conventional methods, our harvest avoids chemical defoliants, ensuring our cotton stays organic.
After the cotton harvest, it's transported to the specialized facilities of SÖKE TARİŞ PAMUK KOOPERATİFİ, located in the same town of Söke, within the Aydin region. Here, it's dried and cleaned on machines specifically reserved for organic cotton to avoid any contamination. The cotton is then put through gin stands, where the fibers are separated from the seeds. Finally, the cleaned and separated cotton is packed into bales and readied for the textile mills.
Next stop: UZ PAMUK TİCARET VE TEKSTİL SANAYİ A.Ş. in Torbalı, where the cotton fibers are spun into robust yarns. This facility has dedicated equipment specifically for processing organic cotton, ensuring there's no contamination with conventional cotton. Through a precise spinning process, our cotton fibers are transformed into consistent, high-quality yarn, ready to be knitted into fabric.
At the same facility, UZ PAMUK TİCARET VE TEKSTİL SANAYİ A.Ş., the freshly-spun yarn enters its next transformative phase: knitting. In knitting, interlocking loops of our quality yarn are created using specialized machines. There are different knitting styles, each producing a unique texture and pattern. Whether it's a fine jersey knit for softness or a more textured pique for breathability, the knitting process determines the final feel and look of the fabric. The machines are calibrated to specific tension settings, ensuring consistency in the fabric's weight and stretch.During this knitting process, we keep the organic integrity of the yarn intact, resulting in fabric that's both sustainable and durable. Once knitted, the fabric undergoes a thorough inspection to ensure quality before heading to the next step in our production journey.

Our journey continues at two separate facilities for dyeing and digital printing. At NESA TEKSTİL SAN.TİC.A.Ş., located in Honaz/Denizli, the dyeing process of our yarn and solid color fabrics takes place. We use dyes that meet the Global Organic Textile Standard, ensuring the cotton is free from harmful chemicals. This method maintains the quality of our colors while taking the environment into account. On the other hand, digital printing happens at Ege Tekstil San. Tic. AS. For products with prints, the natural undyed cotton serves as the canvas. Through digital printing, designs are precisely transferred onto the fabric. This process sees ink droplets projected onto the fabric, and then heat-set to ensure sharp and durable patterns. It's an efficient technique, delivering detailed designs while using less water and producing minimal waste. Additionally, any wastewater resulting from these processes is treated rigorously to prevent environmental contamination.

At Parkoteks, our fabric is transformed into wearable kids wear items. Our relationship with Parkoteks is central to our operations, given our collaborative approach to design and their invaluable assistance in sourcing and supply chain management. The assembly stage encompasses several critical tasks: the fabric is first measured and cut according to predefined patterns suitable for the respective item - be it leggings, sweaters, or onesuits. Following this, skilled artisans sew the pieces together, integrating any additional elements like buttons or elastics, ensuring each garment is structurally sound. The product is then reviewed and refined, with any adjustments made for an optimal fit and finish. Beyond the assembly stage, Parkotex's knowledge and connections in the textile world have helped us greatly. They've offered advice and used their relationships with other suppliers to make our production process smoother. This collaboration has helped us create products that truly represent what our brand stands for.
Discover the full collection
We use certified organic cotton for our kidswear essentials: no chemicals, good for their skin and the earth. Our collection has knitwear, sweaters, leggings, onesies, long sleeves, and beanies. Everything is made to last, with a focus on reducing environmental impact.
Shop Organic
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Instead of rewarding more buying, we thank you for returning! By doing this, we keep clothes out of waste and let another family enjoy them. When they're truly worn out, we handle them responsibly. It's our way of keeping things full circle.
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Place Your Order: Complete your rental order and await its arrival.
Enjoy: Let them play, grow, and explore. Keep the rentals for as long as you need.
Swap & Renew: Return worn items and update with fresh picks or the next size.
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